Mission Management

Categorize missions using personalized keywords, allowing for easy organization and grouping of missions by location, team, or other relevant criteria, streamlining mission management.


By utilizing custom tags, operators are able to categorize missions based on criteria such as geographic location, operator name, docking station, and others as per their operational requirements. The feature allows for assigning multiple tags to a single mission and filtering missions based on these tags and mission types, resulting in a streamlined mission management process. Tags also include a tag management tool, providing operators with the ability to edit, create and delete tags.

Creating Tags

  • Navigate to the Missions section under Planning in the Navigation drawer.

  • Click on the button to create a new mission.

  • Add tags in the tags bar while creating a Path or Grid mission, and finally, select "Create New."

Creating tags

The newly created tags will be visible under the Manage Tags section. Operators can assign multiple tags to a single mission.

Operators can also apply a tag by choosing one from the tags field below the mission name.

Adding Tags

To filter missions using tags, follow these steps:

  1. Access the tags or the mission drop-down menu in the mission list as required.

  2. Select the desired tags or mission type from the available options as a filter.

  3. Click the Apply button to activate the filter and view the filtered missions.

Filter Tags
Create Tag from Manage Tags

Missions Panel

Missions Panel
  1. Create Mission: This allows operators to create new missions.

  2. Manage Tags: Provides access to the tag management system, enabling operators to create, edit, and delete their tags.

Managing Tags
Creating a new Tag
  1. Disable Missions : A centralized repository for all missions that have been disabled from the mission planning tab. These missions are archived and are no longer visible in the missions panel and cannot be launched.

Disabling a Mission
Disabled Mission Tab
  1. Hide/Show all Missions on Map: Provides control to hide or show all missions on the map at once.

  2. Hide/Show Single Mission: Provides control to hide or show a particular mission on the map.

Now that you have a grasp of mission planning, explore how to schedule and automate recurring flights for your planned missions.

Last updated