Live Mission Recorder
In this article, you'll learn how to use the live mission recording feature on the FlytBase dashboard to create precise and efficient missions using real-time flights.
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In this article, you'll learn how to use the live mission recording feature on the FlytBase dashboard to create precise and efficient missions using real-time flights.
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The Live Mission Recorder on the FlytBase dashboard enables drone operators to create, manage, and record detailed missions. This feature allows operators to use Go To Location (GTL) or manual controls to record different waypoints with their respective actions. It's ideal for tasks where you need to create precise and efficient missions using real-time flights, such as inspections or surveillance missions.
Navigate to the FlytBase dashboard and use the Go to location feature. Once the drone has reached the initial point at which you would like to start capturing waypoints, you can do so by clicking the Start live mission recording button in the fleet or cockpit view.
Click on the Capture button. This action will capture the waypoint along with the current set of gimbal parameters.
Adjust the gimbal's position or camera settings if needed and capture the respective recorded actions again. This can be done in the cockpit view as well. This sequence of actions will be saved for that particular waypoint.
Remember, for the live mission recording feature to work, you need at least two waypoints in your mission.
Record another waypoint by giving another Go To Location (GTL) command or by manually flying the drone to the next waypoint where you want to record the drone's parameters.
Additionally you can capture a photo at this particular waypoint. This action will also be recorded as a waypoint action under your mission.
Click on the Capture button again to record another waypoint.
Once all the waypoints are recorded with their respective actions, to save this mission file, click again on the Start live mission recording button. After this you can may give the RTDS (Return to Docking Station) command.
To view your recorded mission, navigate to the Missions tab. Here, you'll see your live recorded mission. Under it, adjust the parameters as needed and add more waypoint actions.
Please note that the video capture is not recorded during the mission recording feature.
If you need to capture a video, manually add another waypoint action and set that as video.