Fleet Management

Manage your Fleet of Drones on FlytBase

  • Go to the navigation drawer under the operations section and click on the Drones tab. The list of drones that are added to the dashboard will be visible.

  • The drone's telemetry data will be visible during the mission. Once the mission is launched.

  • To view the live telemetry of a drone, click on the arrow located on the launched drone's drone card.

Fleet View: Monitoring Your Drone and Dock

In the Fleet View section, you can efficiently manage and monitor multiple drones and docks within your fleet. Here are some important points to consider.

Drone and Dock Card:

  • Navigate to the Operations Page as shown in the image below.

  • Once the drone and dock are registered, you will find each drone and dock represented as a card on the left side of the interface. These cards serve as quick reference points for each device in your fleet.

Online and Offline Status:

The status of each device is indicated by its color.

  • When a drone or dock is online and operational, it will be displayed in green. The drone can be powered on manually from the Device Maintenance tab, or it will automatically power on when a mission is executed.

  • Conversely, if a device is offline or not currently operational, it will be represented in grey color, providing at-a-glance status information.

Detailed Telemetry View:

  • To access an in-depth overview of a specific drone's telemetry data, utilize the small arrow located on the drone card. By clicking on this arrow, you can expand the card to reveal a more comprehensive view of the drone's telemetry information, providing valuable insights into its current status and performance.

  • The drone telemetry data provides real-time information on various crucial aspects, including:

    • Battery Voltage: Monitor the current voltage level of the drone's battery, ensuring that it remains within safe operational limits.

    • Latency: Keep track of the latency over the cloud to assess the responsiveness of the drone and dock.

    • Altitude: Observe the drone's current altitude above ground level.

    • Vertical and Horizontal Speed: Stay informed about the drone's vertical and horizontal movement speed, essential for precise navigation and control.

    • Roll and Pitch: Monitor the drone's roll (tilt left or right) and pitch (tilt forward or backward) angles for a complete understanding of its orientation.

    • Time Elapsed and Remaining: Keep track of the time that has elapsed during the flight and the estimated remaining flight time based on the current battery status.

    • Latitude and Longitude: Access real-time geographical coordinates to pinpoint the drone's exact location.

Viewing System Health Statistics

Now, you can find Device Health Management statistics within the drone details view. The Health Management System keeps an eye on the DJI Dock and M30, sending you real-time notifications if something's wrong. To learn more about the Device Health Management System, refer to the following documentation.

pageHealth Management System

Viewing Live Viewers

The Live Viewers feature on the FlytBase dashboard is a dynamic tool designed to enhance team collaboration during remote drone operations. It provides real-time information about all active viewers monitoring the drone activities.

Accessing the Live Viewers Card

To view the Live Viewers, navigate to the drone card on your FlytBase dashboard. Inside the drone card, you'll find the "Live Viewers" section. Within the Live Viewers section, you can access the following:

  • A comprehensive list of all online organization members with their profile images.

  • The total count of members currently online.

  • Detailed information about each member, including their full name, and the role assigned to them.

Advantages of Live Viewers Section:

  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: By viewing who's online, team members can better coordinate and communicate during drone operations.

  • Real-time Monitoring: With the total count of online members, you can gauge the level of monitoring and oversight at any given moment.

  • Role Clarity: Displaying the role of each member, ensures clarity in responsibilities and tasks, preventing any overlaps or confusion.

This feature provides real-time insights, regardless of the drone's status. In future updates, we'll introduce fleet and single drone views, allowing you to see who's viewing a specific drone's operations and who's in control during live operations.

Viewing the real-time video feed of the drone and dock

Real-time video feed of the drone

The M30 drone features two cameras: the FPV (First Person View) camera and the Payload camera. To enable the live video stream for both cameras, follow these steps once the drone is online:

  • Fleet Selection: Select the drone from the Drone Card on the left.

  • Power Button: Look for the power button switch associated with the cameras. The FPV camera will be selected by default.

  • Enable Camera Feeds: Click on the power button for the FPV camera to activate its live video stream. Similarly, do the same for the Payload camera. Please note that you may need to enable these feeds individually.

  • Wait for the Feed: After enabling the camera feeds, allow a few seconds for the live video streams to load and appear on your screen. It may take a brief moment for the video feeds to establish a connection.

Real-time video feed of the dock

  • Fleet Selection: Select the dock from the Drone Card on the left.

  • Enable Camera Feeds: Navigate to the dock video stream button. Click on it and enable the video stream.

  • Wait for the Feed: After enabling the camera feed, allow a few seconds for the live video streams to load and appear on your screen. It may take a brief moment for the video feed to establish a connection.

Toggle between various 'Sites' that you are a part of:

  • Easily toggle between various devices assigned to sites you are part of or have access to perform drone operations using the filter.

  • Refer to the following documentation to know more:

pageSite Management

Last updated